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Are you stuck in the deepest rainforests of Borneo, or living in a caravan on Iceland? We don't care - providing you have a good internet connection.
Pexel Research Services is always looking for sharp-minded individuals who have the necessary skills and mindset to manage research projects from all over the world. If you have the relevant experience in market research, or possess suitably transferable skills, then we’re always going to want to hear from you.
Your first step is to send us a CV with subject line 1SDJ309AJ to
In your covering letter, let us know what you’re looking for. Most of our permanent staff are full-time, but we offer part-time and flexible hours.
If you’re looking for a six-figure salary, a company car, subsidised holidays and an extremely generous pension, you’re probably better off applying to Goldman Sachs. But if you’re looking for an interesting career amongst very friendly colleagues, stick with us.