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  • End Client: Provider of Satellite Services
  • Research Area: Benchmarking study on the fixed satellite operator market space
  • Methodology: CATI (Semi-structured)
  • Sector: Media
  • Respondents: Responsible for broadcast and communications
  • Sample Size: 76
  • LOI: 30-45 minutes
  • Days in Field: 15 days
  • Markets: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Turkey
  • Additional Notes: The key aspects of the study focussed on researching areas related to satellite service provider’s customers’ spending patterns (for satellite and ground services) and positioning, market share, share of wallet per customer.
  • End Client: Telecom Provider
  • Research Area: Telecoms Industry Analysts
  • Methodology: Multimode (CATI and Onlilne)
  • Sector: Telecoms
  • Respondents: Industry Analysts
  • Sample Size: 91
  • LOI: 15 + 10 minutes
  • Days in Field: 20
  • Markets: Australia, Canada, China, India, Netherlands, Singapore, UK, US
  • End Client: Telecoms Provider
  • Research Area: Brand Awareness
  • Methodology: CATI
  • Sector: Telecoms
  • Respondents: Decision Makers for Telecoms provision
  • Sample Size: 300
  • LOI: 10 minutes
  • Days in Field: 24 days
  • Markets: China: Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou
  • Additional Notes: Quotas were quite challenging for employee size: 30% 40-99, 30% 100-999, 40% 1000+ employees.
  • End Client: Telecoms Company
  • Research Area: Telecoms
  • Methodology: IDI Recruitment
  • Sector: Telecoms
  • Respondents: Customers and Prospects. IT and Telecoms Managers/Directors
  • Sample Size: 50
  • LOI: 5 minutes for 60 minute interview
  • Days in Field: 15
  • Markets: France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
  • End Client: Consultancy Firm
  • Research Area: Channel Strategy for Headsets
  • Methodology: CATI
  • Sector: Telecoms
  • Respondents: Decision maker for headsets (Managing Director/owner, Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Purchasing Manager.)
  • Sample Size: 280
  • LOI: 15 Minutes
  • Days in Field: 15
  • Markets: Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK, US
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